About Us

About Feature Lens

When you’re buying a certain product without having any specific specs in mind, you can simply hit a local store or an online retailer such as Amazon or Bestbuy. And chances are high that you’d wind up with an option that you’d be fine with.

But there are times when you have specific features and specs in mind when looking to buy a product. In such situations, you have to carefully check each option you find — to know if it ticks all your checkboxes. This can be quite difficult when there are tons of options to sift. But the job becomes much easier when you find a curated list comprising only the models that pack the specs and features you’re looking for.

For example, if you’re looking to buy a laptop that has 16GB of RAM, it’s much easier to choose an option from a curated list of 16GB RAM laptops than it is to scour a much longer list comprising laptops with various RAM capacities.

And that’s where this website comes in handy!

FeatureLens.com was created to help you make well-informed buying decisions when shopping for products online with certain specs and features in mind.

The site features lists, rankings, and reviews of various products that have been handpicked based on specific features or specifications that consumers bear in mind when shopping for such products.

Our review posts are products of several hours of in-depth research, analyses of consumer opinions, and our personal experiences with each featured product.

More importantly, after publishing posts on our site, we don’t just abandon them to gather dust. Rather, we continuously check them for relevance. We also re-check each of the featured products to be sure that it’s still available on the market and, more importantly, that it still delivers well on the same criteria that got it into our list.

To avoid any form of bias, we don’t make room for any form of direct or indirect affiliation with any of the brands whose products have been mentioned or reviewed on this site. This is to help us maintain credibility in our content.

Our Team

FeatureLens.com was founded in April 2021 by Willie S. Fancher, a Chicago-based seasoned tech product analyst with over 20 years of experience working with hundreds of Fortune 500 brands. He started Feature Lens after noticing that most of the product review sites available online don’t dig deep enough into specific features of each product, and they rarely curate products based on their features and specs. He figured that a site like Feature Lens would be a helpful resource for savvy consumers who are keen on product features and specifications.

Willie runs the site with his team of product analysts, researchers, and editors.

How We Make Money

Feature Lens generates income through banner advertisements displayed on the site as well as affiliate links embedded within the site’s content. The income generated helps us to maintain the site, pay the members of our team, and separate ourselves from the brands and products we review.

That is, by generating income through the stated sources, we have no financial or other incentives to deliberately place or favor one product over the other in our buyer guides and reviews. So, the income helps us to remain completely unbiased.

With each post we publish, we aim to provide helpful information on products that have been selected based on certain features and specs that they pack. This is to help our readers to have a less stressful shopping experience and make well-informed buying decisions.

We never receive payments or receive free products from product manufacturers or brands in exchange for mentions, positive reviews, or other forms of endorsement on our website. Our recommendations are 100 percent credible and genuine.

Affiliate Disclosure

Feature Lens is a participant in the Amazon.com Associates Program, which allows us to earn commissions by embedding links within our content that redirect to product pages on Amazon’s website.

Each time you click on any of the affiliate links within our content and ultimately buy a product from Amazon, we earn a commission on the purchase — at no extra cost to you!

Note, however, that the commissions we generate from Amazon sales do not in any way influence our selection or reviews of products. We only use the revenue generated from the program and from other sources to keep the site running.